Monday, September 29, 2014

Tray 12 and some filing

Went in for my checkup and filing today.   They had to file some teeth to make room for movement.  All in all everything is going well.  I did mess up on Saturday and forgot I had my teeth out from breakfast till lunch, but other than that one day I think I've been pretty on par.

Sunday, September 14, 2014

Tray 11

Nothing much to post about this time around.   Tray 10 has been pretty stable all week.   I think I stained them a bit drinking coffee this morning, but I knew I was swapping out, so I was a bit more carefree than I normally would be.

Of course that means I'm probably going to end up treating Tray 11 pretty bad.   I guess we will see in two weeks.   Oh this is also the last set before my next visit.   It's a long visit, so I'm trying to remember what they are going to do this time.

The quality of the pics are not great, taken from my dirty iPhone under bad light.

 No Tray

Tray 11

Full Mug

Friday, September 5, 2014

Tray 10 - week 1 is over

The week is over, and I am ready to swap out this set.   I don't know why but they feel like they have been in for two weeks already.   That is a good and bad thing.  It is good because I got over the discomfort zone quickly this round; It is bad because I get sloppy when they get comfy.

 I forget to clean them as often as I should.  at work, I pop them out to eat, but bit when I drink.   I am supposed to be cleaning them either after I take them out or before I put them back in.  Sometimes the best I do is wipe then with a napkin and tuck them in my shirt pocket where they dry out and get bits of gunk on them.  I really should be not conscientious about taking care of them.

Speaking of taking care of things.  I've developed a small ulcer on that salivary gland between the base of the tongue and bottom teeth.  If you get one they are annoying because it hits the lip of the tray when inflamed.   My wife, Liz, tells me that Crest Conplete mouthwash takes care of that, and she was dead on.   It only took a day for the ulcer to heal and for it to stop getting irritated by my lower tray!

Well I'm doing this from the iPhone while riding in the van, so let me try and upload some tray 10 pics